Vienna Stephansplatz

Music in the Air: Strauss & Mozart in Vienna

Johann Strauss
The gilded monument to Johann Strauß II is located in the Stadtpark of Vienna.

Johann Strauss Jr. (1825 – 1899) was the “King of the Waltz”. His Waltz “An der schönen blauen Donau” is a masterpiece everyone has at least heard once in his life.

Mozart statue
The Mozart statue in the Burggarten.

The 25 year old Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arrives in Vienna on the 16th of March, 1781. The last ten years of his life will be spent in this city. In this period he writes the Magic Flute, his most important symphonies and the Requiem.  In Vienna he acquires a sickness which leads to his death in December 1791. He was buried in a pauper’s grave at the cemetery of St. Marxer in Vienna.


Vienna Opera
Vienna Opera

Musicians and music fans love the Vienna State Opera. You can get Vienna Opera standing room tickets for 4 to 5 euros.



Opposite of the State Opera is the traditional Hotel Sacher located. Classic Viennese coffee and the “Original Sacher-Torte” are available at Café Sacher.


Vienna Hofburg

The Vienna Hofburg was the political centre of the Habsburg Monarchy. In the Baroque ambience of the Imperial Palace offers the Spanish Riding School and its world-famous Lipizzaners  the highest standard of horse-riding art. In the Imperial Apartments of the Palace is Sisi Museum located.


Vienna offers a blend of imperial traditions and modern architecture.


Hundertwasser House Vienna
House Vienna – “House for Human Beings and Trees,“ and lovely bathroom “Modern Art Toilet” in Shopping center Kalke Village (right opposite Hundertwasser House)




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